When it comes to sports with a high fun factor, gymnastics is right up there with the best and makes an excellent activity for all children to enjoy. Children will often try throwing themselves around, jumping, diving, rolling and cartwheeling, so what better way to get them started early by joining one of our classes?

Apart from the fun, gymnastics is a form of exercise that really takes it all: agility, flexibility, strength, balance, stamina and precision. And with so many different varieties, there's something for everyone.
Being active isn't just about feeling stronger, fitter, more energetic and sleeping better. It's also about having fun!
Children need to be active for at least 60 minutes a day, with 30 minutes of this outside of school. This should include 3 sessions a week of activity that strengthens muscles and bones.
And it's not just physically that children benefit – being active also helps with mental health.
Evidence shows that children and young people who are more active have more confidence, higher self-esteem, less anxiety and stress, and better social skills – attributes that can help them deal with the challenges they face in daily life.
We have a wide range of equipment and play areas suited to the age and ability of the child and our team are always on hand with help and to encourage your child to explore movement and their imagination.
The benefits of attending a little Steps class:
Regular activity: Builds concentration and an understanding of routine.
Social interaction: Learning about the needs of others, through sharing and play.
Physical skills: Developing a good skill basis for children to use in every day life, whether at the park or in the garden.
Confidence building: Mastering skills and being encouraged to trying new activities.
Build’s parent and child bond: An opportunity for the younger children to work with parent on a one to one basis, parents are asked to be involved during classes and work with their child developing a greater understanding of their child’s abilities.
Exercise is FUN: Giving children a positive attitude to exercise, encouraging them to enjoy and try new things.
A good habit learnt young is one that will stay with them through the whole of their lives.