Our Steps Kids classes for 3-4 year olds will allow your child to take their first steps to independence by attending this class unaccompanied. Their one-to-one interaction with coaches will help develop their speech as well as joining in and playing alongside their peers.
Responding to their names and waiting their turn are great skills learnt in preparation for starting 'big school'. Basic gymnastic moves such as forward and backward rolls will be taught together with building confidence and progression in your child's gross motor skills as they climb, balance and jump using our equipment. Fine motor skills will be developed further using our hand apparatus which are changed on a weekly basis.

Climbing and jumping will be taken to new heights as children grow in ability. Your child will spin hoops, bounce balls, throw beanbags and rock and roll with tapsticks.
Each session is 45 minutes long and children do not need to be accompanied by an adult. We ask that children participate bare foot.
£8.50 per child
£12.75 for twins
If you have other children enrolled at Little Steps, please contact for discount options.
Check out our other classes for different age groups
Designed for children under the age of 2, our Steps Babies classes will enable your child to have their first introduction into gymnastics and movement with our soft equipment and low climbing frames and balance beams.
Ideal for children aged 2 to 3 years our Steps Toddlers classes will enable your child to gain confidence and explore gymnastic movements through play in our fun themed classes.
Children in reception and years 1 & 2, can enjoy our Steps Club classes in a fun non-competitive environment. Learning gymnastic skills using some exciting equipment, they will work towards their gymnastic badges and certificates in small groups of similar ability.
Steps Crew classes enable children in KS2 up to the age of 11 to progress and build on skills they have learned or if new to gymnastics start with the basics and build their confidence in a safe, non-competitive environment.